Saturday 3 September 2011

YouTube Transcriptions: LGBT It Gets Better Project (Celebrities 4)

"Hey, guys. Erm, this is Ke$ha. I just wanted to say something. Erm, to anybody who is being...bothered or...abused or harassed or bullied, I just wanna tell you that, erm, it will get better. It will. No matter if you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender – however you are choosing to live is beautiful. And you have my full support and all of my love. And [to?] be yourself. And it will get better. When people are mean for no reason, it's...horrible, but...I swear to God, it will get better. So please don't ever give up. And, erm, I love you guys."

Ellen DeGeneres
 "I am devastated over the death of eighteen year old Tyler Clementi. If you don't know, Tyler was a bright student at Rutger's University whose life was senselessly cut sort. He was outed as being gay on the internet and he killed himself. Something must be done. This month alone there have been a shocking number of news stories about teens who have been teased and bullied and then committed suicide. Like thirteen year old Seth Walsh in Tehachapi, California; thirteen year old Asher Brown in Cypress, Texas; and fifteen year old Billy Lucas in Greensburg, Indiana. This needs to be a wake-up call to everyone that teenage bullying and teasing is an epidemic in this country and the death rate is climbing. One life lost in this senseless way is tragic. Four lives lost is a crisis. And these are just the stories we hear about. How many other teens have we lost? How many others are suffering in silence? Being a teenager and figuring out who you are is hard enough without someone attacking you. My heart is breaking for their families. For their friends and for our society that continues to let this happen. These kids needed us, and we have an obligation to change this. There are messages everywhere that validate this kind of bullying and taunting, and we have to make it stop. We can't let intolerance and ignorance take another kid's life. And I want anyone out there who feels different and alone to know that I know how you feel. And there is help out there, and you can find support in your community. If you need someone to talk to, or if you wanna get involved, there are some really great organisations listed on our website. Things will get easier; people's minds will change, and you should be alive to see it."

Neil Patrick Harris
"Neil Patrick Harris here. So, on the heels of, er, a fourth...kid who killed himself, err, because of some sort of anti-gay bullying, I heard that MTV was having people talk about, and I wanted to get involved. So, hi. How's it going?'s what I can say: When you're young; when you're in elementary school or when you're in high school,'s important to try and fit in, and be accepted and to be part of the average. Everyone does it; that's the way it goes. But let me assure you, if you're getting bullied and you're feeling, er, like you're on the outskirts, that, er, it gets better. Because, when you get older, you find that people are actually drawn towards individuals with different points of view who...are proud of who they are and who...make interesting and different and unique choices for them. At least I am. So...for the love of Pete, there's no need to harm yourself if something's going bad. You can act with strength; you can act with courage; you can act with class. And, er...stand tall; be proud of who you are. This is a good time that we live in and we're being granted more and more rights, and that's awesome. And it will continue in that direction. And, erm...yeah. Be proud."

Certain 'HOUSE' cast members
Peter Jacobson: Like many of you, we've been shocked and saddened by news of recent suicides by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender kids and teens who were bullied simply for being themselves.

Omar Epps: Bullying is an assault – not only physically, but mentally. You might feel depressed, alone, overwhelmed.

Jesse Spencer: Maybe you can't picture a future for yourself because things seem so bad right now, but hang in there – life does get better.

Olivia Wilde: So talk to someone – a friend, a teacher, a parent. There are lots of people out there who care. You can also go to and click on “get help”.

Lisa Edelstein: Depression is treatable and suicide is preventable. There is nothing wrong with you. You have something very special to offer the world, but you can only do that if you're around to share it. And remember:
All: It gets better.

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